Internationalize Your Online Classes and Programs - Effective Strategies and Examples

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

In this interactive presentation, participants will learn how to integrate international and intercultural examples in their online courses and degrees. The key concepts covered will allow instructors to internationalize their courses, teaching methods, learning outcomes and assess these outcomes. Participants will design a strategy to achieve this goal and measure their progress.

Extended Abstract: 

Participants will -

1. Learn how to seamlessly infuse global content in their teaching.

2. Learn how to effectively communicate course content interculturally.

3. Learn how to engage students in global challenges.

4. Learn how to create and implement academic standards for course and degree level internationalization.

Participants will meet the above-mentioned learning outcomes by participating in an interactive presentation, through discussion of case studies, small group discussion followed by compiling their thoughts on post-it posters in the room. They will be filling out an assessment planning worksheet during the interactive presentation. Guided questions will direct them throughout the process. Participants will receive a compilation of useful resources that they can refer to when they implement their plan on their campus. The purpose of this presentation is to suggest ways for instructors to internationalize their courses and degrees. Emphasis will be on how to find and access numerous resources (mostly free and some for a small fee), establish clear global learning goals and outcomes for their courses, and how to translate these goals into an assessment matrix.

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 4
Session Type: 
Education Session