The Top 3 Problems with Online Student Support Services (and how to solve them)

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Anyone struggling with maximizing online student success can learn from our successes-- and our mistakes!

  1. Establish a solid relationship with students in a virtual environment

  2. Retain students-- despite both virtual and non-virtual obstacles

  3. Provide an effective structure for delivering student/career services in a virtual environment

Extended Abstract: 

The Top 3 Problems with Online Student Support Services (and how to solve them)

Meagan Brock and Meagan Simmons work for the TAACCCT EPIC grant (Enhancing Programs in IT Certification) as Academic Success Coach and Career Coach to over 1000 online students.  The team was presented with a challenge:  How to maximize the success of a fully online program by taking an entirely holistic approach to providing student services in a fully online environment. 

To meet this challenge, we focused on solving our top three problems with online student support services:

  1. Establishing a solid relationship with students in a virtual environment


  2. Retaining students despite both virtual and non-virtual obstacles


  3. Providing the structure for delivering student services and career services in a virtual environment

We’ve learned much from our successes, but perhaps even more from our mistakes, and we want to share our online student support best practices with you.  Anyone who works with online students—be they faculty or administration—will benefit from this session by learning…

  • How to build a success network and retain online students by simplifying advising, billing, and career preparation processes.

  • How to create an online community where students can access online tutorial resources, career preparation, technology troubleshooting, Blackboard tutorials, military resources, and community mental health and childcare connections.

  • How to design a communication plan that fosters an authentic connection with your online students.

  • How to encourage the development of soft skills in online students for maximum career potential.

Session Type: 
Education Session