If Students Only Had A Little More Time And Help…

Audience Level: 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed
Strands (Select 1 top-level strand. Then select as many tags within your strand as apply.): 

Do you have students who didn’t quite pass but could with a little more help? Is there an efficient way to repeat a course by only focusing on individual deficiencies? Can a course be created to reduce financial stress? Join us to learn about a model that answers these questions.


Extended Abstract: 

An unsuccessful completion of a course creates not only an emotional and psychological stress but also adds on a financial burden to pay for the same course again. Additionally, the time commitment involved in repeating a face-to-face course constitutes another hurdle in the process of completion. Therefore, the question that remains unanswered is how to help students who did not quite pass a course but could with a little more time and help? The search of an answer to this question lead to the creation of an accelerated self-paced online repeat course. This course is primarily designed and structured in a way so that the students work only on their deficiencies using open resources thus reducing the time and cost. When compared to a traditional course, this course has yielded a high level of student satisfaction and completion. Hence, the observed strengths and weakness of this implementation are essential factors that must be discussed which may serve as guidance for those interested in boosting their completion through a nontraditional repeat course.

Session Type: 
Education Session