The Stand-In Instructional Designer: An Interactive Guide to Online Course Design

Audience Level: 
Session Time Slot(s): 
Institutional Level: 
Higher Ed

Every instructor deserves access to instructional design support regardless of institutional resources. We will discuss our OER Interactive Guide to Online Course Design. It was created for instructors who are new to online and blended learning and delves into the online course design process, with many opportunities to apply learning.

Extended Abstract: 

Every instructor deserves access to instructional design support regardless of institutional resources. Research has shown that faculty who do not feel supported in developing an online course felt anxious and unprepared to successfully teach online (Dhilla, 2016), which may negatively impact student satisfaction (Duncan, Range & Hvidston, 2013).  Many institutional resources focus on educational technology tools but overlook instructional design principles. To fill this gap, we created an Open Educational Resource (OER) course, An Interactive Guide to Online Course Design, that provides training and tools for our institution and others. 

Our OER was created for instructors who are new to online and blended learning and delves into the course design process for multiple modalities, with many opportunities to apply learning. A variety of foundational topics are covered, such as writing measurable and meaningful learning outcomes; using the backward design strategy to plan the course; and methods for delivering course content to the learners. 

After sharing the background information of our process for developing our OER, we want to hear from you on what professional development, training, or resources your institution offers (if any) and what instructors may need for course development. Our interactive session will use polls, padlet, and discussion. 

You will leave this session with: 


Dhilla, S. J. (2016). Using Mezirow's transformative learning theory to understand online instructors' construction of the virtual teaching experience (Doctoral dissertation, Boston University).

Duncan, H. E., Range, B., & Hvidston, D. (2013). Exploring student perceptions of rigor online: Toward a definition of rigorous learning. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 24(4), 5-28.

Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 5
Conference Track: 
Instructional Design
Session Type: 
Education Session
Intended Audience: 
All Attendees