My Online Course Quality Review Rubric Has a First Name, It's O-S-C-Q-R

Session Time Slot(s): 
Special Session: 

Meet OSCQR, the Open SUNY online course design rubric and process.

Extended Abstract: 

In this presentation we will share the OSCQR process and rubric with participants and discuss how we are using it to systematically review and refresh the instructional design and accessibility of complete online degree programs on a large scale across the SUNY system. We will invite collaboration and feedback on the use of OSCAR and we will also solicit input and suggestions from the participants on the next areas of the rubric to be developed - OER and Online Teaching.

The Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence (COTE) has developed an online course design rubric and process that addresses both the instructional design and accessibility of an online course that is openly licensed for anyone to use and adapt. The aim of the Open SUNY COTE Quality Review (OSCQR) Rubric and Process is to assist online instructional designers and online faculty improve the quality and accessibility of their online courses, while also providing a system-wide approach to collect data that informs faculty development, and supports large scale online course design review and refresh efforts systematically and consistently. The OSCQR rubric and process are currently being used by 28 SUNY institutions.

Working with multi institutional teams of SUNY online instructional designers, librarians, distance learning directors, and technologists, Open SUNY COTE staff started with the Chico rubric, 20 years of SLN research-informed best online practices, the SUNY office of general counsel's memorandum on accessibility considerations, and conducted a gap analysis with Quality Matters, iNACOL, and Bb exemplary courses. The resulting rubric was also informed by the Community of Inquiry model (Garrison, Anderson, and Archer, 2000), The 7 Principles for Good practice in Undergraduate Education (Chickering & Gamson, 1987), The Adult Learner (Malcom Knowles, 1973, Blooms Taxonomy (Bloom et al., 1956) and How People Learn (Bransford et al., 1999) and mapped to the OS COTE fundamental competencies for online teaching.

There are two components OSCQR:

1. The OSCQR Process provides a Framework and Dashboard that supports a campus-tailored and scalable approach to improving the instructional design of online or blended courses.

a. The Framework includes:

i. A Course Review that results in an action plan to improve the design of the online course.

ii. The Course Refresh based on the things targeted for improvement by the course review.

iii. A Learning Review that identifies and prioritizes then next set of improvements for continuous quality improvement.

b. The campus Dashboard is the tool from which all the rubrics at a given campus (or in a program, or department) can be generated, customized, and managed.

i. It provides automations for campus-level management of all course reviews, custom prioritization of the standards, and incorporation of additional standards. It can be used with any rubric and can assign different rubrics to different courses.

ii. Analytics are built in to aggregate and track all course review progress, identify and document course design issues and trends, and to aggregate information across courses to inform faculty development initiatives and course development planning.

2. The OSCQR Rubric has 37 online course design standards and 37 accessibility standards. Each standard is explained and supported by citations from the literature.

a. By instructors and instructional designers in faculty development and course design professional development activities to inform and influence the design of new online courses.

b. By an individual instructor to self-assess and prioritize design improvements; to continuously review, revise and improve the instructional design of their existing online courses.

c. By an instructional designer to conduct a formal course review of an online course as part of an online course quality review process at the program, department, or institutional level.

d. As a peer review process, by a team of instructors interested in a peer-review model of online course review and continuous improvement (the teams can be made up of inter or intra disciplinary teams).

e. In a collaborative team model made up of a group of at least 3 people approaching the course review process from their own various specialized perspectives, i.e., instructional designer, course author, and external reviews that might include other subject matter experts (faculty), online librarian, student, instructional technologist, multimedia designer, other faculty.

The Rubric produces an action plan that is framed from the perspective of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model, to help reviewers assess and target opportunities to improve the course's social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence, in addition to the overall online course educational experience. It substantively addresses accessibility. The OSCQR Accessibility Rubric is based on the recommendations of SUNY's Office of General Counsel and has been reviewed and addresses the legal considerations required to be compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, New York State Enterprise IT Policy NYS-P08-005, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Conceptually the rubric and process approach course review and refresh as a professional development exercise, to guide faculty in their understanding of improving course design from an effective practices perspective, rather than as a course evaluation, or quality assurance procedure. It prioritizes changes. An Action Plan is automatically generated by the course review process that presents recommendations for course design improvements based on the review, and assists in prioritization of course revisions based on the estimated time to make those improvements. The rubric also provides suggestions for course design improvements for each standard that can be selected from a menu of options by each reviewer to supplement reviewer feedback. The rubric can be customized. Standards can be added, edited, and /or eliminated. There is no license fee for use of the rubric. It is shared with a creative Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US. Because the OSCQR Rubric is licensed under Creative Commons, and the Dashboard is licensed under LGPL, the entire process can be shared, used by anyone with no cost, and can be customized to address individual campus environments.

A video overview of the rubric and dashboard:

Paper ID: 
Conference Session: 
Concurrent Session 4
Conference Track: 
Pedagogical Innovation
Session Type: 
Emerging Ideas Session
Intended Audience: 
Training Professionals
Instructional Support
Design Thinkers