What makes innovation succeed? This session examines 7 institutional actions vital to the successful roll-out of new technology coupled with new responsibilities for faculty.
What are the conditions that allow innovation to succeed? Implementing true change isn't accidental, and it isn't necessarily glamorous, either. But it can be done, and the pay-off can be measurable. This session presents the results and lessons learned from selecting and implementing a centrally managed authoring tool and the faculty acceptance process. Defense Acquisition University (DAU), a Department of Defense agency that serves as a corporate university for 150,000 students, recently completed a 3 year effort to find and deploy a robust course authoring system suitable for instructors and developers alike. Along the way, myths were busted, sacred cows were slain, and habits of mind were challenged. And yet, change worked.
This presentation details the organizational behaviors that set the stage for success and invites participants into a discussion about the challenges of sustaining a proven innovation over time. Seven key organizational actions will be examined for their contributions and considered by the participants for applicability to various challenges in training and education in which innovative technologies may play a role. Seven steps for innovation success:
1. Begins with institutional commitment
2. Tied to real needs
3. Reflects the voices of those who will be served by the change
4. Led by vision
5. Managed by effective advocates
6. Measured for impact
7. Sustained by dedicated resources